GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS:   On this and the following pages you will find a series of questionnaires which ask for your views about conflict. Please fill out each one in order, answering each question to the best of your ability and as honestly as possible. There are no right or wrong answers - we are looking for your opinions on this subject. You may leave out any question you wish but we hope you will fill out the entire form to make it most useful. Remember that the questionnaire is entirely anonymous and you may choose to discontinue your participation at any time.

Age:    Gender:    Ethnicity: 


Instructions: Please read the following short vignettes and answer the following questions, rating them for the level of conflict involved.

Albert and Alberta, are planning on having dinner together at a restaurant. Albert wants to find a place that serves good Greek food, while Alberta would rather have Italian.
Low Intensity   High Intensity
1a.   Please rate this situation for the intensity of the conflict described

What is the best response to this situation: 

Chris and Ashley are two different parents of two different middle school students who both want the new, Blue-Raspberry Tickle-Me-Yoda action figure as holiday presents. Both Chris and Ashley have been doing last minute holiday shopping, and have checked nearly every toy store in town attempting to find the elusive, Blue-Raspberry Tickle-Me-Yoda action figure. Finally, both Chris and Ashley arrive at the appropriate isle in Toy Max, and discover that only one such, Blue-Raspberry Tickle-Me-Yoda action figure remains.
Low Intensity   High Intensity
1b.   Please rate this situation for the intensity of the conflict described

What is the best response to this situation: 

Sam is walking home late one night in the city and decides to take a shortcut through a dark alley. Half way through the alley a large man jumps from behind a dumpster, brandishing a knife. The man demands Sam's wallet.
Low Intensity   High Intensity
1c.   Please rate this situation for the intensity of the conflict described

What is the best response to this situation: